
Showing posts from March, 2019

Train Your Children

Children are vulnerable in any kind of environment, when young people consistently steal they extend it to classmate, playgroups and neighbourhood, then they become burglars, armed robbers, kidnappers, cultists and yahoo boys and girls club (working girls) because they want to have fun at the detriment of others. An incident between some certain kids detained for stealing mangoes from a tree under a live wire not only the constant daily headache caused by this kids activity but the impending tragedy. The image above is a pictorial description of an occurrence between some certain kids detained for stealing mangoes from a tree under a live wire Kids out of two schools jump the low fence enter an unknown compound and start plucking the delicate sweet hybrid mango planted by Dr Adelaja and once the gardener and gateman spots them they run and unto this road is busy with traffic which can lead to an accident. A 3yrs old was designated to climb up while the older ones watched as she th