
Showing posts from 2017

Sleep Paralysis

Have you ever had a nightmare (usually horrible) and tried to react to it, but you couldn’t, you tried to scream, wake up, run or struggle but you couldn’t and you felt like an intruder or a supernatural force is holding you down, keeping you from waking up, or scream for help? The condition is called sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which an individual, either during falling asleep or awakening, briefly experiences an inability to move, speak, or react. It happens during REM(rapid eye movement) sleep, REM is a stage of sleep when the brain is very active and dreams often occur. The body is unable to move, apart from the eyes and muscles used in breathing, possibly to stop you acting out your dreams and hurting yourself. Sleep paralysis is usually accompanied by fear, hallucinations, fast or difficulty in breathing, sometimes sufferers feel like supernatural forces or human (which their consciousness believes is capable of hurting them) is trying to kill or su


Public relation is the professional maintenance of a favorable public image by a company or other organization or a famous person. The state of the relationship between a company or other organization or a famous person and the public. to manage the negative perception of government in a dwindling economy the PR agency should apply strategy tailored to the targeted country, culture and type of political party behind the government, type of government we are going to promote, people’s point of view — do they like the current government, political party; each government is supported by a political party that gained the majority of votes. lets look at these scenarios of negative perception (1) The government has a fascism tendency (2) The government is under protection of another country (3) The problem of corruption and public accountability in the government. let presume the government is interfered by another country what strategy should we choose in order to reduce negativi

The Importance of having a digital marketing strategy.

A successful business digital marketing requires a well-integrated, holistic strategy and a plan. Digital Marketing Strategy is the written plan that details when and how you will use the many available online marketing channels and resources to grow your sales or meet other realistic business objectives. With a well prepared digital marketing strategy and plan, you will have a controlled and manageable execution means of your online marketing initiatives and certain path to capitalize on the available online resources, without a solid digital marketing strategy you will likely waste time and money chasing trends that never really contribute to your business in a meaningful way, They are going to be risks involved so managing your strategy is going to identify and promote a number of these risks. But why not just learn as you go, learn from your mistakes ask yourself · What you want your digital future to look like? · What scale of success do you want? · What is your ov

The Off-page Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization is a process of improving a website for search engines so it can rank higher in search results, Optimizing a website in order to rank it higher for some particular keywords so that the website appears above other competitors when someone is searching for the keywords in the search engines. Off-page SEO refers to all variables google takes a look at which are not exclusively in your own hands but depend on other websites such as social networks, other blogs in your industry and personal history of searcher, we all understand that before you get to the off-page you must first have a good on-page which entails  Headline, Content and page structure. To get started with a good off-page after writing a good content, building a mobile-friendly website or easy to use website let’s take a look at the following principles. TRUST - Trust rank is a way for google to see whether your site is legit or not, if you look like a big brand, Google is likely to t

Email Marketing is one of the most powerful digital marketing channels.

Email Marketing is one of the most powerful digital marketing channels for both B2C and B2B although you can generate leads to businesses with other channels the benefit of email is consequential compared to other channels, Businesses can use email marketing in a variety of ways, from building brand loyalty and finding new customers to encourage loyalty and repeat business. For you to have a good expected goals with this channel remember who you are, using your good manner as a result. Let us look at these three phases listed below Getting permission Playing the numbers game Segmentation and Analysis The first one which is the getting permission, one have to build a sizable email after that you can ask yourself what do i get when i give you my email address, Are you going to spam me? How often will you email me? Will i get discounts? Will i get a first crack at your beta? You will have to consider sharing specifics like Email series, Free downloads, Free white papers

Traditional media vs Digital media

How to choose the best digital marketing channel for your business? We have Traditional media and Digital media, Traditional media way of marketing brands, Products and services make use of either direct or indirect methods of reaching out to targeted customers, it’s clear cut and straightforward you just need to invest money and perform a set of action to get result but a sudden change occur due to the complexities and vast wealth of opportunities by the internet and to achieve one goal on the internet these days a very strong online presence is needed to be competitive enough to reach out to targeted audience. However with this new opportunities it can only be accessible through Digital marketing channels also internet marketing tools are available to bring one closer to his or her business goals but which one of these tools is the best fit for your expected goals? It will depend on the type of business and kind of customers you are targeting for. But learning, testing and meas

How to choose the best digital marketing channel for your business.

  How to choose the best digital marketing channel for your business? We have Traditional media and Digital media, Traditional media way of marketing brands, Products and services make use of either direct or indirect methods of reaching out to targeted customers, it’s clear cut and straightforward you just need to invest money and perform a set of action to get result but a sudden change occur due to the complexities and vast wealth of opportunities by the internet and to achieve one goal on the internet these days a very strong online presence is needed to be competitive enough to reach out to targeted audience, However with this new opportunities it can only be accessible through Digital marketing channels also internet marketing tools are available to bring one closer to his or her business goals but which one of these tools is the best fit for your expected goals? It will depend on the type of business and kind of customers you are targeting for. But learning, testing and mea